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January 2023 | Platform Updates Summary


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January 2023 | Platform Updates Summary

If you already use Microsoft ads these will help raise your game and if you haven’t tried Microsoft yet, you now have 4 more reasons to get started ASAP!

  1. Enable Conversion Tracking 

Conversion tracking shows you what happens after a customer clicks your ad, such as purchasing a product, downloading a form, signing up to your newsletter etc. This opportunity will be suggested if you have no conversions set-up or if any active conversion goal has had zero results for the last 30 days.

Although Adzooma can’t set up tracking for you, this opportunity acts as a great reminder to check which ad campaigns, ad groups, ads and keywords are driving conversions, to really help to improve performance.

  1. Add Structured Snippets 

Structured Snippets are free ad extensions that allow you to add extra information about your products or services. This helps you to grab more real estate and push your competitors further down the page.

If a specific campaign isn’t making use of structured snippets this opportunity will suggest that it does and you will be able to create a new structured snippet which will then be applied to the campaign.

  1. Too Many Keywords 

There’s no magic number for how many keywords you should have in your ad groups. However, for better control over your keywords, higher click-through rates and an improved quality score, we recommend that ad groups never have more than 50 keywords. This opportunity shows you which ad groups have too many keywords so you can easily find them and review.

  1. Add Negative Keywords 

A negative keyword is a specific word or phrase that helps to prevent your ad from being displayed to customers who are unlikely to click on it. By focusing on keywords that matter to your customers you’ll see more targeted clicks and increased ROI. This opportunity will show for campaigns that have no negative keywords set and will offer a list to help get you started.

Make the most of the New Year for setting new goals or targets and we’ll see you next month with more useful updates.

If you have questions about any of the new opportunities, contact us at and we’ll get you the answers you need.

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